Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Bump in the Road

I knew it couldn't all go this smoothly! We had some issues today with pulmonary hypertension. The doctors and nurses have assured me that it is ok. They explained that the changes in pressure that his lungs have experienced is causing something of a shock. Remember, I am NOT a medical person and Brian wasn't here to dumb down the explanation for me.

They also think that he may be reacting to coming off the oxygen, so he is back up to 100%. They have also put him Viagra (yes it actually has a medical purpose) for the hypertension. They have assured me that this is more of a transitional thing as his body gets used to how his heart now functions. They considered this a crisis situation and they are doing everything to make sure that his doesn't get himself into another crisis. The interesting part is that he slept through the whole thing.

On a good note, his temperature has come down and his blood pressure has stabilized.

We are taking this an hour at a time. Keep the prayers coming. Love to all.

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