Friday, June 5, 2009

Even better news....

Not only do we now have tickets for our trip, we have updates. He is currently 17.5 pounds and 74 cm tall. We also have updated pictures that we have posted. He certainly has changed from the last pictures! He looks very happy and healthy. We are so excited to meet him. China doesn't seem to buy into the whole pink is for girls thing. I think he wears it well. Only 19 more days!


  1. Wow! This is wonderful, Angelo! I didn't know you guys were adopting. What an awesome gift you are going to be for this baby! We will definitely pray for you!


  2. Wondering how to add a comment to the blog, so I am sending this trial balloon.

  3. He's so adorable. I can't wait to meet him, neither can my boys. I'm so happy for you guys.


  4. Your right, he does wear pink well. I however will NOT be buying him any princess shoes too soon, just in case. Ha ha! Well, maybe just one pair. These new pics really make this all more real. I'm so excited!!!!!!!

  5. Hi,
    I'm in your travel group! Gabe is adorable! Our little girl is about the same age/size. We look forward to getting to know you!
    Here is our blog:

  6. It is so exciting to be watching you guys on this journey.
    We did not had the pleasure to meet your handsome husband yert, but we are looking forward to meet both of your mens soon
    We are praying for youboth
