Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary

We are finally in Hong Kong and I think this is the most beautiful city that I have ever seen. The downtown is very modern and cosmopolitan. We are staying in, what the cab driver referred to as, the countryside. Our hotel is on the beach and there is a harbour on one side. We are watching the boats go by in the ocean. We took Gabe to the pool for his first real swimming experience. The very first time we tried was in an indoor pool and he hated it. Today was outdoor and he was indifferent. He mostly wanted to sit in his floaty and watch the kids play. We didn't keep him out long because it is very hot here. Both of my boys are sleeping, so I am going to head back out and lay out for a little bit. Later in the day, we will take Gabe to the beach. I think he will really enjoy playing in the sand. We will be sure to get some pictures of that.

Our last day in Guangzhou was a little bit sad. We have gotten pretty close to some of the families and our goodbye was a little abrupt. We went to the American Consulate to have an "interview" and then we took a group oath. After that, the bus dropped 4 families off at the train station and we were just able to give a shout out goodbye to the families. Fortunately, we have email address and we will be able to keep in touch. It is quite an experience to share with others and it seems weird to not have them around now.

The family that we were to our province with had similar problems getting their visa. They were supposed to come to HK with us last night and they are not able to leave Guangzhou. They are still waiting on their paperwork. We were lucky to have 3 other families with us on the train because once we left, we were completely on our own. No more guides or language assistance. We all got through the train station together and had to change money again. The interesting thing about HK is that is is technically China, but they have their own money. They say "One country, two systems." Also, I am able to blog in Hong Kong. There is a much different feel here. So far, most people speak quite a bit of English, so I am not too worried.

We had planned to go to Ocean Park today and see some of the animals and sights, but I think we are going to stay around the resort. It is our 4th anniversary and we thought just bumming around would be a great day. For the last 15 days it has been pretty scheduled and busy, so relaxing will be nice. I am also glad that we took a day before we make our big flight. It will be good to get rested up. We are dreading the 14.5 hours with a baby that doesn't like to sit still. After the in country flight, we aren't as worried about the heart condition on the flight. He did so well on the other one. We are more concerned with keeping him entertained and hopefully getting him to sleep. Luckily we are on business class and we will have some room for him to play in front of us. I am sure the people around us tomorrow will be wishing they were sitting somewhere else!

The train ride to HK was interesting. So far it seems that there isn't much to the middle class in China. It is mostly both extremes. We saw some shacks on rice fields yesterday that were shocking. People were living in these fields. It was very sad. I have gained a great appreciation for my home, family and my country during this process. I think some of these kids in our group, especially the older children, are not going to believe their new lives. Apparently, in GZ, the apartments are all about 1000 sq feet max and they cost around 300, 000 US dollars. We went to many parks and they are always packed with people because that is the only place that people can have space. Can you imagine?!? There are no houses, only apartments. I can't wait to have Gabe experience his own yard and all the space in our house.

I am rambling now, I will will sign off. I am going to lay out and enjoy some quiet time. We are so looking forward to getting back home. We will post when we return to let everyone know that we got back safely. Gabe will see his pediatrician on Monday and his cardiologist on Friday. I suspect that the cardiologist will go ahead and schedule the open heart surgery for the next week or two. We plan to blog through that process as well to keep everyone informed.

We have so appreciated the support and love from everyone during this process. It has been quite a journey and knowing that people are checking in on us and sending messages really helped. We will plan to have a "Meet Gabe" party at some point, hopefully before his surgery. Anyone is welcome to stop by and say hello. I will keep everyone posted on that date. Thanks again and we will post in two days!!!


  1. What a memorable anniversary!! Good luck on the trip home. Enjoy the last leg of this journey.
    Anxiously waiting to see your son.

  2. Happy Anniversary!! What a way to celebrate it. In Hong Kong and with your son!! Enjoy!
